Saturday, 24 November 2012

"If this is love, then love is easy"

Jumper: Woolovers
Scarf: Vintage
Jeans: Miss Selfridge
Pumps: Primark

Incessant rain forced this photo of my outfit of the day to be taken indoors- lack of sunshine and lots of rain makes it look a bit gloomy! Now we are in late November I thought it would be the perfect time to share with you all my staple winter jumper- this cream cable knit woolly jumper I got last Christmas. I saw it when I was browsing through my Gran's mail order catalogue from the company 'Woolovers' (crazy word pun fun: wool-lovers or wool-overs?! You decide!) and decided this was far too cosy looking to ignore. So thats the back-story to this jumper. I teamed it with my burgundy jeans, my vintage scarf and pumps.

Spent this morning cosied up in Starbucks avoiding the rain and other soggy shoppers. The Canterbury Starbucks is right next to the cathedral and hosts some cosy corners. Reiss and I nabbed one of the best tables which looks out to the Cathedral. So happy to see the return of the red cups in there marking the beginning of the festive season. We actually get to graduate in the cathedral next summer so thats pretty exciting- it is stunning inside!

 Canterbury Cathedral looking a bit ominous

How have you spent your Saturday? Do you have a go-to winter jumper for rainy days like this?

Thursday, 22 November 2012

My dream Christmas party outfit

My dream Christmas party outfit

Apologies for my lack of blogging over the past few weeks. Uni work has just had to take priority. I thought I would begin my return with a dream Christmas party wishlist I've collated. I've absolutely fallen head over heels in love with this dress by Miss Selfridge isn't it gorgeous.

The main inspiration for the outfit came from this Cinderela B 'Bea Bee Bracelet' which is a bargain at £20 I chose it in the gold plated version as the other items I chose fitted in with the colour scheme a bit more. They also do a necklace version of the bee too. Having the nails and heels (ASOS) matching with a rich burgundy I chose to keep the other colours more understated! I've got the Chloe fragrance on my Christmas list.

What do you think of my dream outfit for the Christmas party season? I reckon this teamed with a leather jacket would look brilliant! I've got a few posts lined up for the next week so keep your eyes out.

Miss Selfridge prom dress


Chloé fragrance
$63 -

Ciate beauty product

Saturday, 3 November 2012

'And that eureka moment hits you like a cop-car'

Blogging for me is definitely something I do to relax and enjoy the sociability of it- however, life seems to of gotten in the way a bit recently and as I'm in my third and final year at uni that has taken my main focus. Saying that though I have been back in the countryside for part of this week as it's my reading week and have been enjoying home comforts and seeing all of my family. Rather than an outfit post (I promise I'll be doing them again soon) I've got just enough time before I need to get back to essay writing to share with you an Instagram style post to show you what I've been up to!

Top Row
001: Found these gorgeous slipper pumps in Primark yesterday- only £6! Bargain, saving these for when I don't have to worry about getting them muddy.
002: My sister Alice and I with our pumpkin we carved out- friendly pumpkins are much nicer than the scary ones, we named this one Pete!
003: A very sleepy cat of mine- Ted. He's very cheeky and I took this on Halloween, we think he must have been out trick or treating.

Bottom Row
004: Alice and I again- before we went to a friends firework display last night
005: Pete Pumpkin again- this time in all his glory with the lights out, we didn't want to put him outside so he went on the fireplace!
006: Cheeky procrastination of painting my nails with Topshops' 'Tidal' and then 'Ice Crush' on alternate nails.

Did anyone else make a friendly pumpkin like me? 
Let me know if you like this style of post and I'll endeavour to do more like it. I am loving this song by 'Everything Everything'- I saw them live a few summers ago and they were fab!