Wednesday, 16 January 2013


Source: here

I've really wanted to write this post for a while but haven't been too sure how it would be received as it is quite a bit different to my normal topics but anyway I really wanted to share it with you all. For Christmas I was given an amazing book written by Katie Piper  called 'Start your day with Katie: 365 affirmations for a year of positive thinking'. I'm sure you are all familiar with Katie and she is such an inspiring person (for those of you who don't know Katie and her story you can watch her talk about her journey here). The book has a quote or thought for every single day of the year to help you think positively. For example today (the 16th January) the thought of the day is a quote from Marie Curie: "Nothing in life is to be feared. It is only to be understood" which I think is really lovely. 

I know some days I am definitely in need of a positive thought to help me feel better about myself and this definitely helps you get into the habit of thinking about things with a 'go get 'em' attitude. Now I try to approach situations and even people I am slightly unsure about with a positive angle. 

This is a truly lovely book and I really recommend it if sometimes you are in need of a little pick me up of positivity and from who better than such an inspirational woman! 

Things I do to make myself more positive:
  • Scroll through Pinterest for the gorgeous photography, outfits, ideas etc.
  • Watch Kittencam (live kittens on a webcam- I defy anyone to not feel better after watching these balls of cuteness!).
  • Do some baking.
  • Call/arrange to meet up with a friend and have a long catch up.
  • If I see a friend and I like what they are wearing I actually tell them- everyone loves a compliment!
What things to you do to make yourself more positive?


  1. Lovely post, I love Katie Piper she is so inspiring and I really want to get this book now. I had never heard of it before but it looks right up my street, I love finding good quotes to pick up your confidence or mood! :)

  2. I'm thinking about getting this book!
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